(Photo) Check Out When Team Trust Building Goes Wrong In The Office!!!

Have you ever had one of those office team trust building experiments where you blindly falls back, and your Co-Workers have catch you?? Well what if say Food arrives at that very moment? Would they still catch you?? Maybe, Maybe NOT, Hit th Jump. +TatWZA

(Video) An Explanation Of Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time is coming to an official end on Sunday November 6, 2011 at 2 a.m. Daylight Savings ending means another hour of sleep or another hour of partying as we set the clocks back an hour. As you know when Daylight Savings ends it means our days are getting longer and darker as winter approaches but what exactly is the point of changing the clocks? Watch an explanation of Daily Savings Time after the jump. Julie1205

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