I can’t say we didn’t see this coming. Junior Seau’s tragic death has resulted in a wrongful death lawsuit (against the NFL) filed by Seau’s family. Details after the jump… GameTimeGirl
I can’t say we didn’t see this coming. Junior Seau’s tragic death has resulted in a wrongful death lawsuit (against the NFL) filed by Seau’s family. Details after the jump… GameTimeGirl
It’s only been a few months since Junior Seaus’ passing, and on Sunday the San Diego Chargers honored Seau by retiring his number. Defensive end Antonio Garay, chose to pay tribute to the late Seau by have a face portrait shaved into his head along side the number 55. GameTimeGirl
The beachfront home where former NFL linebacker Junior Seau killed himself has been sold for nearly $2 million. Sabrina B.
Sabrina B. gametimegirl The home of NFL legend Junior Seau was burglarized last week, only five days after the former San Diego Chargers linebacker committed suicide inside the house, police told the North County Times on Tuesday.
Hours after Junior Seau was buried in his hometown, thousands of fans got their chance to cheer one more time for the hard-hitting, fist-pumping linebacker at the stadium where he starred for 13 seasons.  Read more after the jump. Shay Marie x @gametimegirl
Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl A near-capacity crowd is expected to join Junior Seau’s former teammates and NFL opponents in celebrating his life at Qualcomm Stadium on Friday evening, the U-T San Diego reported.