Metta World Peace (Ron Artest) Challenges ANY NBA Player $500K To A Game & Wants To Fight Kimbo Slice?!

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Metta World Peace aka Ron Artest said he wanted to bet $3oo,ooo against Kevin Durant’s team the other day and last night he took to twitter to make a couple more challenges. Check what he had to say after the jump…

(Video) NBA: Metta World Peace (Ron Artest) Co-Producing Lakers New Theme Song?

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Metta World Peace (Formally known as Ron Artest) thinks he has the Lakers next new theme song. Check the story and video of it after the jump…

NBA: Kobe Bryant Takes Shot At Shaq’s Work Ethic

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant may have formally buried the hatchet in 2006, but if there’s one thing that irks Bryant the most, it’s someone who lacks work ethic. That’s why Bryant didn’t bite his tongue when asked in a radio interview in Italy about his issues with O’Neal.

NBA: Italian Club Reaches Verbal Agreement With Kobe Bryant; Says Deal Is ’95 Percent Done’

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Italian club Virtus Bologna said it has reached a verbal agreement with Kobe Bryant for the Los Angeles Lakers star to play in Italy during the NBA lockout.

NBA: Kobe Bryant Says That It Is “Very Possible” He Will Play in Italy During Lockout

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Kobe Bryant said it was “very possible” he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there. Virtus Bologna has made numerous contract offers to the Los Angeles Lakers star. Bryant discussed the offer with the Gazzetta dello Sport during a sponsor’s appearance in Milan on Wednesday.

(Photos) Kobe Bryant Has His Own “Black Mamba” Edition Smart Car In China

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Kobe Bryant met with company execs this past July to work on a new “Black Mamba” edition Fortwo. Having made its debut at the recent Chengdu Motor Show, the China-only Kobe Bryant Black Mamba Fortwo has now hit the market.

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