Damn shame! Tiffany Rowe-Storms, an ex-reality star, from MTV’s There and Back is going through the motions. Back in 2008, Rowe-Storms went to get breast surgery (bigger titties), but something went awry. “Open sores developed” around the left nipple, she says. After having to be hospitalized two-years later for pain from that breast, the ex-girlfriend of Ashley Parker Angel (O-Town) found out that she had a staph infection. Leakage began coming from her left breast in 2012, and a second surgeon told Rowe that she was, “at risk of losing her arm or worse, had it spread” any further. Here we are today, she’s suing the original doctor for malpractice – as she should. The moral of the story LADIES and gentlemen, stop doing all of these unnecessary procedures – your life or health could be at risk. At Your Own Risk: Google “bad boobs” or “bad breast augmentation.” It’s just terrible.