Anyone looking forward to buying Gran Turismo 5 when it launches on November 2nd? Why don’t you have a seat for a minute, we have some bad news. Sony’s Playstation Blog just posted an announcement that the game is getting pushed back yet again. The statement does say that the game will be released this holiday season, but does not elaborate more than that. Here’s the text:

@TatWza for

We can confirm that Gran Turismo 5 will not be available this November 2nd, but the game’s release will be coming this holiday season.

We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay, however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches.
We keep getting excited only to continually have the rug pulled out from underneath us. The cars, tracks, damage feature, Top Gear goodies and numerous extras leave us waiting with baited breath. We’ve waited this long so we can wait a little longer.

But not much longer…