Although it’s a lot of subscription based internet TV, ie Google TV,  Boxbee, Ruku, Hulu Plus, and Netflix, According to stats from IHS Screen Digest, video revenue for the Apple iTunes store grew 60 percent last year. See Details

They did though see its overall market share shrink from from 74.4 to 64.5 percent. This is mostly explained as a side affect of the Kinect driving up Microsoft Xbox 360 sales at the end of last year and introducing its Zune store to a new market of families looking for digital entertainment. The up and comer to watch for 2011 appears to be the Wal-mart/Vudu combo, currently fourth in line behind Sony but set to grow by showing up on more devices and increasing its promotional efforts. all I know is, all this helps us getting closer to getting rid of Cable Companies, and there Damn High Fee’s!!!!!!