Only a matter of time before he’s back. They all come slowly crawling back. From Miley to Cudi to Amanda Bynes…the list goes on. Hit the jump to see what Lupe said.

Marisa Mendez

“i’m quitting twitter. it was fun while it lasted…,” Lupe tweeted earlier today. “thanks for the support on #lasers and i will see you all on the road soon… don’t forget…Love Always Shines Everytime Remember 2 Smile….”

He then revealed what is likely the actual reason for his hiatus.

“u know what??? i’m gonna let @NIKKIJEAN takeover my twitter — go get that album u might remember we did a little track called ‘hip hop saved my life’ together… #thecool #nikkijean”

Nikki then started tweeting promo and changed the background to her new album cover. Again I say…only a matter of time before Lupe is back like he never left!