Casey Anthony beat her infamous case on the 15th of last month, and no one has seen or heard from her since. Smart, since there are MANY people out there who want nothing more than to taunt and/or cause some type of pain to the girl. It was believed she fled her hometown of Orlando where the backlash would have likely been the worst, and whether that’s true or not is unknown but what IS known is that where ever she may be, she needs to be back in town by order of the judge on her case.

Marisa Mendez

(People) – Thanks to a judge’s order, Anthony will return to Orlando as quickly as within the next three days. On Monday morning, Orange County Judge Stan Strickland signed amended court documents that will require Anthony to serve one year of supervised probation on her check fraud charges. “She should be reporting to probation in Orlando probably within 72 hours,” Strickland said.

Strickland sentenced Anthony last year on charges that she had stolen a friend’s checkbook and forged several checks. On Thursday, he said he intended for Anthony to go to supervised probation upon her release from jail. Upon Anthony’s release, the Department of Corrections officials misinterpreted Strickland’s order as meaning that Casey Anthony had served her probation while still in jail.

It is unclear where Anthony will stay when she returns to Orlando. Her attorney did not immediately return a call for comment.