During the Western Conference and NBA Finals, Russell Westbrook caught everyone’s attention with what we’ll call daring fashion choices.  Despite commentary, he’s continued with it and doesn’t care what anyone has to say.  Now he’s earned himself the cover and a spread in the holy grail of men’s fashion GQ magazine.  Read more after the jump.

Shay Marie

Lang Whitaker was excited to feature Russell Westbrook and describes in the piece the moment Westbrook became a fashion icon.

If you’re trying to pinpoint the moment when Russell Westbrook graduated from rising NBA star to hipster-sports-fan icon, the answer is May 14, 2012. That evening, the Oklahoma City point guard lit the fuse on the Thunder’s near playoff sweep of the Lakers with twenty-seven points. But it wasn’t anything he did during the game. It was what happened after the game, when Westbrook arrived at the press conference wearing lensless red-framed glasses and a Lacoste polo shirt festooned with candy-colored fishhooks. Instantly his kooky couture was a worldwide trending topic.

“I wasn’t trying to make a fashion statement,” says Westbrook, 24. “I just thought it was a nice shirt.”
