Hornets cover pic

We’ve heard the rumors for sometime now that the New Orleans Hornets are changing their name and logo for next season.  Well today it was officially announced.  I’m not feeling the name, but the logo isn’t that bad… may it’s just something I have to get used to?!  Check it out & let us know what you think!



*Official info HERE*

Via Nakia Hogan, NOLA.com at The Times-Picayune:

New Orleans Hornets owner Tom Benson officially announced Thursday afternoon that the Hornets’ name will switch to the New Orleans Pelicans.

The NBA’s Board of Governors already has approved the name change. And the Pelicans’ team colors will be blue, red and gold

“This isn’t something that was just done overnight,” Benson said. “This is a long process. We are not just changing the name to change the name. The Hornets name came from Charlotte. That fits in with Charlotte. It doesn’t fit into New Orleans, La., or our area here. The Hornets don’t mean anything here. We needed something that symbolizes New Orleans and Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. And nothing does that better than this name.”

Hornet officials said the name change was made after scouring more than 100 possible names in a search for the perfect fit.

They settled on the Pelicans because it’s the state bird and because the team officials said Pelicans represent some of their biggest community efforts. They also said the brown pelican, which was once on the endangered species list but has battled its way off, symbolizes the Gulf Coast region, which has fought its way back after Hurricane Katrina endangered this region.


(Story Continues…)