Charles Barkley is a very opinionated man. He also likes to joke around alot on TV, so sometimes it is hard to take him serious. But his opinion on what happened with the George Zimmerman murder trial is actually a well thought out statement that regardless of whether you agree with him or not should still make you think. Hit the jump to see his interview.


We all have our opinions on what happened in this case, but I think the one thing we can definitely agree on was the media itself played a huge role in turning it into a racial black vs white type of case, and I am glad Charles mentioned that. Too many members of the media, and even some political leaders try to make names for themselves whenever there is a controversial case. Instead of focusing on the soul of Trayvon and his family, it turns into everyone wanting to get their own agenda across, which is selfish and shows people in the long run don’t care as much as they try to make you believe. RIP Trayvon Martin.