IFWT_Chris 1

When will people learn that you can’t email or text incriminating things?!  So stupid! SMH. Over the weekend we shared the story about a former Detroit Lions player (Chris Geile) being hired as a hitman to kill someone (you can catch up on details HERE).  We heard they were coming & now some of the text messages have leaked of the woman bragging about hiring Chris.  Check it out…





Via RadarOnline:

RadarOnline.com has obtained screenshots of three conversations DaLuise had with a man named Edward Feinstein, who RadarOnline.com has learned, later turned into an informant for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

It is not known if Geile knew he was being caught up in DaLuise’s murder-for-hire plot, though police have said that no other suspects have been charged or arrested.

“I have no comment,” Geile told CBS Los Angeles on Friday.

His son, Collin, later told a television report that his dad knew DaLuise but was unaware how he became tangled in the alleged crime.  He’s a “great person, honestly,” Collin said. “We’re honestly shocked about what she said… because none of it’s true. He never ever said anything like that to any sorts.”


-Lead photo via TMZ