
There has been so much backlash following the Aaliyah movie for Lifetime. There are a lot of people that’s upset about Zendaya playing the role,saying that she isn’t black enough but there is one person who has 100% faith that she will pull it off!

Read more after the jump…


Zendaya and her dad was at LAX where they addressed the criticism she’s been getting from being too light skinned to play the late R & B singer, Aaliyah.

The 17 year old Disney star hasn’t let anything the fans had to say, stop her and brings up the fact that Angela Basset looked nothing like Tina Turner and she still did a wonderful job. Her father on the other hand had this to say.”They’re shooting in the summer. She’ll get dark enough”. LOL well that’s a great way to shut everyone down.

Watch the clip here
