
After the Straight Outta Compton movie barely touched the surfaces of who Dr. Dre was while in relationships, Dee Barnes had the article, Here’s What’s Missing From Straight Outta Compton: Me and the Other Women Dr. Dre Beat Up, published on the Gawker. Dre issued his apology to Barnes and any other woman who fit the abused profile.

While Michel’le was a little less forgiving of Dr. Dre’s apology, Dee Barnes is somewhat more positive that the past indiscretions of the Beats by Dre leader is just that; past.

“I hope he meant it. I hope he represents these words in his life. I hope that after all these years, he really is a changed man,” she says.

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JaaiR (JR)
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Dr. Dre has matured, and the women he’s hurt, including myself, have endured. I’m proud to be able to say goodbye to the man who at one point was straight outta fucks to give, as he consistently dismissed and disrespected any mention of his assault history. Goodbye to the man who didn’t deny it and even bragged, “I just did it, you know. Ain’t nothing you can do now by talking about it. Besides, it ain’t no big thing–I just threw her through a door.”

Barnes admits that when Dre apologized, she received many comments, most of which were taking the side of Dre. Therefore, she is choosing to forgive those individuals as well.

“Goodbye to a general public that accepted these indiscretions without so much as a second thought,” she writes. “I understand people’s apprehension. The stakes are high now and money talks, loud.”

Well, good for her. To read the entire forgiving piece, check here.