
Uh oh! Billionaire Martin Shkreli took to Twitter to respond to Ghostface’s latest comments about him. Hit the jump for more.

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Ghostface recently spoke to TMZ and said he was against Martin Shreli owning the one in kind Wu-Tang album called Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. Martin Shkreli has a bad reputation with the public after increasing the price for life-saving AIDS medication from around $13 to $750 per pill.

Ghostface referred to Martin as a “shithead” and Martin didn’t take his criticism to well. Martin took to Twitter to respond to Ghostface.

Ghost mad that Shaolin outsold his last 5 albums… dude’s a non-profit rapper. Calls himself ironman, but sounds rusty AF @GhostfaceKillah

Damn, those are serious shots from Martin. Keep a look out for Ghost’s response, since the rapper doesn’t stay silent over issues pertaining to him.

Hit the jump to see Martin Shkreli’s tweet.