IFWT_South Carolina Man

A South Carolina man panicked this year after he shot and killed two intruders in his home. So instead of calling police he burned the two bodies in his back yard. James Edward Loftis’ eagerness to make the self-defense argument in court helped sway a judge Monday to grant bail to the 39-year-old as he prepares for trial on a pair of murder charges. Read the rest of this story after the jump.

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James Edward Loftis fatally shot taxi driver Guma Oz Dubar, 46, and James Cody Newland, 32, on March 5, 2016. Loftis was expected to post $250,000 bail and be freed sometime this week, said his attorney, Stephen Harris of Charleston.

The case poses new questions about the S.C. Protection of Persons and Property Act, a “stand your ground” law that gives homeowners the right in many circumstances to use deadly force against people breaking into their houses.

Authorities have said Loftis’ account of the episode has varied, but his attorney insisted that one aspect has remained constant: the two people he shot had attacked him in his own home. He did, though, call his client’s actions afterward “heinous.”

This is crazy as hell! He shot two people then burned them in his backyard. He needs to be in a jail cell cause he is a lunatic! What are your thoughts? Comment below and let us know what your think.

Source: Bossip