Tech Talk News: Samsung Wants Google To Join Their Fight Against Apple

Samsung is bringing out the big guns to tocontinue their fight against Apple.  The smartphone giant is planning to bring Google in the fight against Apple.  Samsung is looking for lost royalities from Apple, and looking to get paid. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Apple Ended Google Maps Contract Early???

Word has circled that to install Apple’s current map app they decided to end their deal with Google a year.  How is that working for you Apple? Apple says their on the case to fix their own app but how long will take to get it to Google map standards. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

MLB: Waiters Suing Yankees Over Tips

A firm that handles food and drinks for elite Yankee Stadium fans is striking out with concession workers who claim they’re being cheated out of the tips automatically added to their bills. GameTimeGirl

(Video) Auto Talk: Porsche 911 Turbo, 911 GT3 caught with minimal cam

Practicing their final notes before they go on song for paying customers, three 991-series Porsche 911 GT3 prototypes were caught at a filling station in Catalunya, Spain almost completely uncovered. According to the photographer (working with an iPhone), two of them (foreground in the photo above) were wearing a host of extras from the options list, while the third appears to be a prototype set up halfway between a traditional 911 and a GT3: it has five-bolt GT3-style wheels and central exhaust, but standard 911 front and rear bumpers and rear wing. Funk Flex

Tech Talk News: Blackberry 10 Video Hits The Internet

A new video has hit the internet showing all the glory that is Blackberry 10.  It’s not iPhone 5 type of hype but it looks like RIM is heading in the right direction but lets hope people still care about Blackberry. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Foxconn Has 150k Workers And Still Can’t Up With Orders

With such a high demand for the iPhone 5, Apple cant keep up with the demand.  Apple has 150k workers at Foxconn and still cant keep up with the orders and demand. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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