Will The PS4 Drop In November??

Kotaku is reporting that Sony will be dropping the PS4 this fall in Novemeber with a US release. According to the sources close to Kotaku says the company will be dropping 2 versions of the PS4, one going for $429 and the other for $529 but the source says things could change. The source also says “you’ll also be able to control the PS4 remotely from your tablet or smartphone. You’ll be able to use a mobile device to chat with your PS4 friends or buy games which are then automatically downloaded to your machine”, cant wait. Looks like Sony might be the way to go if Microsoft does’nt change things.

PS4 Will Possibly Do WHAT With PS3 Games?!?!

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the new PlayStation (codename Orbis) that’s due to be announced will stream PS3 games using the streaming service Gaikai that Sony paid $380 million for last year. This goes well with other rumors saying that the new architecture in the PS4 won’t work with PS3 games on-board but could allow emulation through the cloud. To go along with this, there will also be a new high-fidelity version of the PlayStation Eye that will work with the new controller. More details are sure to be known at the PlayStation Meeting this Wednesday, but read the link after the jump to learn more of these rumors.

PS4 Controller Leaks!!!!

It looks like the protoype of the PS 4 thats making the rounds on the net today was just confirmed by IGN that the controller is actucally the real deal. Nothing has been confirmed by Sony but now we know Sony is on track to release a console. Leaked pic after the break.

Sony PS4 To Be Priced At $400?

Ok so yesterday we got the bad news that the Xbox 720 will not be able to play used games, now we get some new info on the the PS4. A new report claims that the PS4 will have a sticker price of $400. The rumor also says the price maybe determined by region and time since Sony plans on releasing the console before the holidays. I know Sony does’nt want the same debacle of a launch when they launched their PS3, at launch time the console went for a much as $500, and the thing sat on shelves.

Sony Announcing PS4 At Feb 20th Event???

Yesterday Sony announced they could have plans on releasing their long talked about PS4. The event in question is on Feb 20th, and Sony has sent out its invitation for the event. Sony could be announcing  anything but the rumors are saying it could be the PS4

New Sony PS4 Specs Leak

So as we all know Sony and Microsoft are suppose to launch next generation consoles this year but we have’nt anything else, no consoles designs, no release dates and no announcement from either companies. However Sony may have beat Mircosoft to the specs battle. New info has hit the next detailing the PS4 specs and what might be under the hood. After the break check the speculated stats for the PS4 Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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