Changing Marijuana Laws Affecting Child Endangerment Criteria?

Even though medical marijuana is being legalized all over the country that hasn’t changed that even medically, marijuana being around children can have parents watching their kids be taken away by child protective services. Because of this law makers are taking another look at just what puts a child in danger. If a parent is using marijuana medicinally, does that put their child at risk? Find out more after the jump!

C’mon Son! Homeless Mother Arrested For Leaving Her 2-Year-Old Son In The Car With Her 6-Month-Old Baby While On A Job Interview

Wow. This gets pretty crazy. On March 20th, an Arizona woman, Shanesha Taylor, had been arrested and charged with child abuse. But that’s not even the half. The mother of two was arrested for leaving her young sons in her Dodge Durango with each of the windows slightly rolled down for over 45 minutes. It wasn’t until a waitress heard the crying 6-month-old, when she called the police. 45 minutes after the police arrived on the scene, the mother returns to the car. Her side of the story makes her fate hard to digest. Hit the jump for the full scoop.

(Video) Unfit Mother Causes Controversy On Philadelphia Bus, After Nodding Out In Front Of Daughter!

A disturbing video has been circulating on Facebook, showing a little girl trying to wake up her unconscious mother on a bus in Philadelphia. The woman, who may be addicted to heroin, nodded off on a SEPTA Route 66 bus as shocked passengers watched her daughter react. It was a heartbreaking scene, as the little girl pleaded for her mother to wake up. To see the video, click below.

(Video) Babysitter Admits To Torturing And Killing Toddler In NYC!

4 year old Myls Dobson was tortured, beaten with a buckle, burned, and gagged to a chair in his final days. The abuse was carried out by his babysitter, 28 year old Kryzie King. The two week of torture commenced the moment Myls’ father, Okee Wade, left his son in King’s care. Apparently the father was also involved with the 28 year old woman. Just before his death on Wednesday, King brutally beat Dobson in a bathroom, where he hit is head in the tub. To see news coverage of this story, click below.

(Photos) Georgia Couple Beat Their Toddler To Death?!

A young couple have been accused of brutally beating their 2 year old son to death in Georgia. 21 year old Elizabeth Calvo and 25 year old Adam Garber were arrested and charged with the murder of their son, Aiden. Police found Aiden’s lifeless body in his room, which had blood on the walls. To read more, click below.

(Photos) Steve Harvey Cleared Of Child Abuse Allegations?!

Steve Harvey’s ex wife, Mary, is in hot water after a judge found her in contempt. This comes after she leaked sealed court information, regarding the comedian abusing their son. After investigating the allegations, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services reported that the child was not in harm’s way and the case would be closed. To read more, click below.

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