2012 Presidential Debate Tonight At 9:00 PM EST!

Tonight’s presidential debate is on Foreign Policy. The format of the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate, and will be held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. The debate will air from 9-10:30pm eastern on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, C-Span, Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC. It’s the last debate, so make sure to watch! For more information, click here. Melissa x IFWT

Brandy Almost Quit Music!!!

In a recent interview Brandy admits she almost gave up on her music career… She speaks with CNN on being called a has-been and failed attempts of coming back. Find out more after the jump Quay

Republicans Complain About Debate Moderator

Republicans have been complaining that CNN’s Candy Crowley sided with Obama during a key moment last night.  Click “more” below for the full story! DJ Matthew Tyler

(Video) CNN’s Piers Morgan Interviews Stacey Dash About Her Choice For President

We recently posted about Stacey Dash tweeting herself in a very patriotic red bikini and hash tags that she’s voting for Romney.  Sincd then CNN’s Piers Morgan has interviewed Dash about the controversy that has followed.  Click “more” below for the full interview! DJ Matthew Tyler

Famous Reporter Admits He Secretly Used Evidence For A Story!

Well  now infamous reporter, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, admitted that he secretly used a journal for reporting a story.  He initially managed to use the information by not disclosing the source.  The journal was found inside the US consulate in Libya that was bombed and belonged to the US ambassador that was killed in the embassy attack earlier this month.  Cooper reported that he retrieved some of his facts from someone close to the late ambassador’s death when he in fact secretly read his journal! Hit the jump. Steph B

CNN’s African-American Camerawoman Assaulted!

Yesterday at the Republican National Convention an African American camera woman was assaulted by a man! The man reportedly threw peanuts at her and yelled loudly, “This is how we feed animals”. After his obnoxious rant he was quickly escorted out. For more info see below. Funk Flex

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