(Video) Toyota Rav4 Commercial With Kaley Cuoco

Super Bowl commercials always try to go the extra mile. Having a celebrity in the ad will always help. Watch the new Toyota Rav4 commercial with Kaley Cuoco after the jump.

(Video) New Best Buy Ad For The Super Bowl With Amy Poehler

Pretty much anything with Amy Poehler winds up being funny. Check the new besy buy ad after the jump.

(Video) Oreo Super Bowl Commercial

New Oreo commercial. You choose a side! Watch the video after the jump.

(Video) Doritos Super Bowl Ad

Doritos always comes through for the Super Bowl. Usually with more than one ad. Check the video after the jump.

(Video) Hyundai Super Bowl Commercial

Next time you tell someone to go get their team, you better be ready for them to come back. Check the funny Hyundai ad after the jump.

(Video) Funny, Sexy Go-Daddy Commercial #TheKiss

You knew Go Daddy was going to have some type of eye catching ad for the Super Bowl. This one may not be sexy to everyone, but it is always nice to look at Danica Patrick. Check the commercial after the jump.

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