(Video) LOL! A$AP Rocky Stars In Hilarious Alexander Wang Commercial

I really can’t tell if this is real or not, but it was posted on Alexander Wang’s official YouTube so I assume it is! A$AP Rocky continues to be at the forefront of fashion, this time starring in Wang’s ad for his Spring 2013 line. Watch the hilarious commercial below.

Auto:(Video) Hyundai Releases Another Commercial For The Super Bowl (Funny)

Hyundai plans on having 5 different commercials air during the Super Bowl, and it seems we will see all of them before the game even starts. They have already released 3 of the 5, and now this is #4. This is the best one by far because it incorporates football into it as well. Hyundai is going hard the past couple years after being a joke car maker for decades. They have definitely stepped up their car game. Check the video after the jump.

Auto:(Video) Plymouth Ad From The 1930’s Shows Some Strange Stuff

The way this video starts, it makes you wonder if Plymouth back in the day was some part of a government conspiracy or just a car company, with the way they compare things to “trial by torture”. Some of what they mentioned as far as getting the truth of out people or things is still used today, whether people want to admit it or not. It was creative however the way it was compared to finding out things from cars. This video taken sometime during the 1930’s shows to what lengths Plymouth would go to test their cars and to show what the cars can handle. The “crash dummies” back then were no dummies at all. They were actual stunt drivers and engineers who worked on the cars themselves. To me the craziest part of the video is the way actual live drivers used to test the car by dam near killing themselves. It is a very interesting video if you can get past the creepy way it starts. Watch the clip after the jump.

Auto:(Video) Poll: Is This Volkswagen Super Bowl Commercial Racist?

Volkswagen is taking alot of heat for one of their upcoming commercials for the Super Bowl next week. The past 2 years, commercials for VW during the big game have been huge for the company, drawing rave reviews while being entertaining. The criticism that they are feeling now has to do with the “get happy” theme of the ad. The car maker used a song from reggae artist Jimmy Cliff. The racist remarks stem from having a white actor being portrayed with a Jamaican accent. In my opinion for someone to try and label this racist or insenstive is quite a strectch. It is meant to be entertaining and funny to all viewers of all races and ethnic backgrounds. While I do understand where some of those feelings can come from because of the accent being used and the cast of the commercial being mainly caucasian, that is where the humor is supposed to be found. To me, this ad does not come off in any shape, form or fashion as being insenstive. But that is my opinion and everyone is entitled to have one and we would love to hear some of yours. Watch the video after the jump and then take the poll below the video.

Auto:(Video) Volkswagen Releases Video Of Super Bowl Commercial..Funny

Since Volkswagen does not show a single car in this commercial, I am going to assume they have another trick up their sleeve for the big game next Sunday, but this ad is pretty funny. This ad will air during the Super Bowl next week, and it takes everything you have laughed at online before and turns it into a very well put together commercial. With the car show that just passed, I have a feeling this will not be their only ad during the game. Check the video below. IamJOE357

Auto:(Video) Toyota Is Ready For The Super Bowl

Over the next week and a half we are going to see quite a few of releases of teasers from car companies for their Super Bowl commercials. This is what Toyota has released. It is a 35 second teaser of the Ad that will air during the game. I am sure everyone will recognize the song Toyota chose for the commercial right away, but I did not immediately recognize the actress they chose. Kaley Cuoco from the “Big Bang Theory”. It appears the ad will focus on the new RAV4, but that is only speculation. Check the teaser video below. IamJOE357

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