The Presidential Election is right around the corner on November 6 and it’s very important to make sure you get out and vote! It’s too late to register, so if you haven’t done so please urge everyone that you know who can vote to do so, and if you are registered but need an absentee ballot be sure to take the proper measures to obtain one. In case you haven’t decided on which candidate to vote for, there is one more debate left and I highly urge you to educate yourself about both candidates and their issues from an unbiased news source (aka not FOX News.) Also if you are voting for Romney just because you don’t like President Obama, please keep in mind that you can vote Independent when you get to the polls! According to a recent poll, if the election was today, President Obama will narrowly win the election with 277 Electoral Votes. Mitt Romney is currently only a few votes behind the POTUS with 206 Electoral Votes and trust me, that’s not a lot especially when there are still important swing states that seem to be undecided. 270 Electoral Votes are needed to win the election, so President Obama’s lead is nowhere near concrete. Find out more details below. Julie A.