Released U.S. Hikers Arrive In New York

The two hikers that were being held captive in Iran have touched down at JFK airport. The hikers were jailed in Iran for allegedly being spies and sentenced to eight years in prison. After pleads from all different countries to release the men and them spending more than two years are home and free. Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer arrived at Kennedy Airport in New York City at about 11 a.m. on a $1 million bail deal. Read more after the jump. @Julie1205

‘West Memphis Three’ Freed After Serving 17 Years In Prison!

After serving 17 years in prison, the three men known as the “West Memphis three” were released today. The three men were arrest and charged with murdering three 8-year-old boy-scouts and leaving their mutilated bodies in a ditch in May of 1992.  One “West Memphis Three” man was sentenced to death while the other two men received sentences of 40 years. Because DNA testing was not available at their 1993 trial, DNA was tested in 2007 and found that there was no evidence that could link the men to the murders so they were re-tried.  Read more about the “West Memphis Three” after the jump. @Julie1205

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