(Video) Gang Members Beat Up Klu Klux Klan Members After Rally In South Carolina

Yesterday, the white supremacy group KKK rallied at the South Carolina State house to protest the removal of the confederate flag. During the rally police had to break up only a few small fights however, after the rally members of the Bloods gang beat up several members of the KKK. Hit the jump for more.

(Video) SMH! The Most Racist Kids You Will Ever Meet

Meet the Pendergafts, leaders of a regional Klu Klux Klan group. Their kids all have “talents” that “spread the message” of white superiority. Their daughters create music, while their son Andrew hosts what may be one of the most hateful, racist YouTube shows known to man. This is the type of video that’s like a train wreck you can’t stop watching. Check out the videos after the jump.

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