(Video) Thousands Of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protestors Take Over London

After protests in New York, Rome, Cape Town, Frankfurt, Madrid, Hong Kong, Sydney, Seoul, and many more, inspired protesters have today taken over the City of London. Thousands have descended on the area known as the Square Mile – under the banner ‘Occupy the Stock Exchange’ – for a ‘peaceful protest’ against the global financial system. Continue reading and view a video of the coverage after the jump. @capriSUNshine

Occupy Wall Street Goes Global!

The Occupy Wall Street movement has went global! This morning protests have been taking place in London, Korea, the Philippines, Australia, and some European countries in what is being called an “International Day Of Action.” The global protests are going to be held all weekend long. Two major events are planned today in Lower Manhattan, including a march to Times Square. Read more after the jump. @Julie1205

(Video) Bloomberg Says “Protesters Are Trying To Destroy Jobs”!!

As the Occupy Wall Street movement spreads across the United States, Michael Bloomberg (mayor of the New York City) blasted the thousands involved and claimed they were “trying to destroy the jobs of working people” in NYC. Hit the jump for more details!! Wendy L.

(Photo) Occupy Wall Street Protester Defecates on Police Car!!

Wow, these protests are getting crazy!! And as the crowd gets more reckless, so do the cops! (remember when they maced that innocent woman two weeks ago?) Check out a photo after the jump of an unidentified protester actually defecating on an NYPD squad car!! Wendy L.

(Video) Talib Kweli Supporting “Occupy Wall Street”

The “Occupy Wall Street” movement began in New York City on September 17th and has spread to major cities including Philadelphia, LA, Seattle, and Chicago starting yesterday. Hundreds of people have already been arrested and the cost of the protest has already surpassed $2 million but it doesn’t look like the protests will die down anytime soon even though significant cash donations have already been made to the cause. On Thursday night the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors were surprised with an appearance by supporter Talib Kweli. Talib tweeted about wanted to join the protestors earlier in the day before heading down and performing for them. Watch him after the jump. @Julie1205

Live Your Life: FDNY Welcomes First Transgender Firefighter

The Fire Department of New York has been under scrutiny lately with accusations that it discriminates against minorities. Well if this doesn’t prove otherwise, then nothing else will: The FDNY welcomed its first transgender firefighter this weekend. Full story after the jump!! Wendy L.

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