Tech Talk Accessory: Nintendo’s 3DS Gets A Joysick(Pause)???

 The Pic after the Jump seems to show a japanese magazine showing a Nintendo add on that should make it’s way to the States, but there is NO definite word on she of for how much, but what we do know is the add-on is bulky as hell! Of Course See for yourself!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Alert: Netflix Now On Nintendo 3DS!!!

Just letting you know if you have a 3DS or are getting a 3DS, And you have a Netflix account, you ar now able to view on your 3DS, That’s All, Enjoy!!! Just remember Netflix has New pricing! Tat WZA

3DS Is The Highest 1st Day Sales For Nintendo HandHelds!

Nintendo is all Bragging “U.S. day-one sales numbers for Nintendo 3DS were the highest of any Nintendo hand-held system in our history,”…See Details. @TatWza

Nintendo 3DS Gets A (Battery)Life Saver!!!

We told you the Nintendo 3DS has a wack ass battery, with3 hours playtime(in 3D), but have no fear, Nyko has the Power Pak+ to the rescue…See Details. @TatWza

Nintendo Wants To “Pass” Your 3DS Around!!!!

You Need To know about Nintendo’s “Pass” network technologies, SpotPass and StreetPass….see Details. @TatWza

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