Multi-Platform Smartphone Security Checklist

The FCC is all about security and protection of personal information. Required on almost all devices, manufacturers put settings into the phone that will allow you to customize certain securities of the device. Often times, users wouldn’t think twice about ‘Virus’ protection on a smart phone or tablet. Its almost not even considered a real threat, because of the exclusivity of the issue. Very rare, and unique how a mobile virus would find its way into your smartphone but it is possible. Security Checklist approved by FCC after the jump. Tat Wza

(Video) Tech Talk Device: An Adult Only Vending Machine, Kids NOT Allowed!!!

But it is Safe For Work, and the public for that matter, and Kids would absolutely want some of what this Vending Machine, It’s from Kraft Foods, and It’s Pudding, But Kids can’t get any(what Torture), cause it’s the New ‘Temptations’ Pudding which they say is for Adults only, and the true technology here is It uses Facial Age recognition to make sure Kids Don’t get Any, Hit the Jump for the Video. +TatWZA

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