Hey Bieber Fans, In Case You Don’t Know, This Is What #2DaysTOAATWVideo Is About!!!

There was some confusion on twitter today #2DaysTOAATWVideo is trending and a bunch of Bieber fans assumed that had something to do with Justin Bieber, however Mindless Behavior put and end to all of that speculation with a tweet. #2DaysTOAATWVideo stands for 2 days until Mindles behaviors All Around The World Video drops. Sorry Bieber fans, but Mindless Behavior is in the same league right? Check out some of the disheartened fans in the gallery, OOPS!

Tech Talk Web: Fresh Off Of Google+’s “What’s Hot”!!!

So We told you Google+ has the NEW “What’s Hot”, which is the +’s ‘Trending Topics’ Stream, Broken down means when you post something on your Stream, and you get a certain amount of Share’s poplin, you’re in the “What’s Hot” Stream, Well I got some content from that stream I would like to share with you!! Hit the Jump! WZA on Google+

Tech Talk NEW: Tabco Reveals A Brand NEW Tablet!!!

Remember Tabco was a sponsored Twitter trending topic? Well all that marketing has led up to a Brand NEW version of an Android tablet called the Grid 10, Hit the Jump for Pics and Details!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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