Biggest Tech Flops Of 2012

There were some major tech fails that dominated our attention in 2012. Hit the jump for a journey through 2012’s ups and downs!! Tat Wza

Who Is The WORST Dressed Man In 2012 ???

He is for sure in the category, but I don’t think that I would call Russell Brand the WORST dressed man. According to GQ, because he stopped wearing shoes, he’s now labeled Evil Gandhi. LoL. What do you think? Drop down bottom and you decide. JaaiR (JR)

(Photos) Top 5 Worst Reality Stars Of 2012

So, I’ve decided to come up with 5 of the worst reality stars of this year of 2012. These stars are on this list for various reasons. I only choose five because, I could go on forever. They are giving any and everyone a show for what ever reason. I’m just saying give me a show and call it, “Surviving the Hood”. Any how, keep in mind that these are shows that I watch. I don’t watch them all. There isn’t enough DVR space in the world. Who pissed you off this year in the TV world? Let me know. Drop down bottom please. JaaiR (JR)

(Audio) Hot 97 – #BestWorstSongs Of All Times

LOL! And the antics continue. What the hell is a “Thoia Thoing”??? The best worst songs that were in heavy rotation. I agree with the caller when he says, “The Stanky Leg.” I hated that song with a passion. Like really, how is your leg going to be stank?! Drop down bottom to listen. JaaiR (JR)

(Video) The Realness: Hot 97 – #BestWorstSongs Of All Times

There is just some music that even though you hate it with all of your might, someone is going to play it, which means you’ll eventually get to know the words. Check this out, the songs that we all love to hate. Drop down bottom to take a look. JaaiR (JR)

Which Metropolitan City Has The Worst Drivers?

Most of you guessed New York huh? Unfortunately, New York did not make the top 10 but did land the 20th spot. This year Washington D.C. takes the honor for worst drivers and horrible traffic. Click below for a full list. Funk Flex

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