An Eye for an Eye…Cheating in Relationships

I’ll never understand how this philosophy works but some couples manage to keep the love alive amidst this behavior. I know a couple that has been together for a pretty long time. They met in high school, and then went off to college together. This is where I came across this peculiar pair…read more after the jump!


They seemed very happy with each other. I never suspected a thing was awry. They celebrated anniversaries, knew each other’s families and were basically inseparable. I never would’ve guessed that the two were serial cheaters…

I struggled to understand how anyone could remain in a cheating relationship and keep their sanity at the same time. She, having knowledge of his cheating and him having knowledge of hers. Most people would consider this the end, but somehow they make it work. So, I racked my brain for some ideas on why or how anyone would make this work. Here’s what I came up with:

First things first. I’m going to assume that one person started the trend. Then the other retaliated by cheating and so the cycle began. If someone cheats on you, and then you go cheat on them, how does that stabilize the relationship? In my opinion it doesn’t. If anything, it further hinders the bond between the two people. More lies and more deceit only serve to further diminish the bond that was built between the two. Nonetheless, there are people who have married into the situations and introduced children into the situation. Why, you might ask, do they continue.

Most reasons people stay in a situation like this have to do with attachment issues. If someone is willing to cheat on a person that shows that he or she doesn’t necessarily have any physical devotion to their partner but they may be emotionally attached and therefore are willing to live that lifestyle. They want to keep this person around for whatever reason. This is where the term ‘have your cake and eat it to’ comes from. When children are involved, this situation becomes even more complicated.

My question to you is this. Can a relationship remain healthy after one or both people have cheated? If so how? Drop the answers in the comment section!