Sarah Jessica Parker got called for jury duty yesterday, but didn’t appear eager to serve. She has recently given many reasons as to why she would not be able to serve. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.

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She had her excuses as ready as a pair of Manolos. Sarah Jessica Parker got called for jury duty yesterday, but didn’t appear eager to serve. The Post overheard the “Sex and the City” star griping to another prospective panelist about the better things she had to do than cool her heels in Manhattan federal court. “My daughter is at home sick,” said the actress, who has three children with actor-hubby Matthew Broderick. Parker, 46, also noted that she had an “international flight” tomorrow and fretted aloud that the fraud case being tried might last more than two days. She then flipped out at a reporter and photographer outside the courthouse during a break, screaming, “Leave me alone!” As it turned out, the jury box got filled before Parker was summoned for questioning, and she was discharged after being sent back down to the central jury room. In a phone interview afterward with The Post’s Bruce Golding, Parker denied having travel plans tomorrow and insisted she had been “ready, willing and able to serve.” She confirmed that one of her twin daughters was home with a fever, but said she had hired a sitter to take care of the tot while she took the subway to court, arriving early at 8:40 a.m. And while other panelists offered an array of flimsy reasons why they couldn’t do their duty, Parker said, “I never once raised my hand. I don’t shirk any of my civic responsibilities.