An unlicensed cosmetologist who used Krazy glue and Bounty paper towels to help seal a patient’s implants was charged with criminally negligent homicide. Not only is this sad, but this is scary because there are so many fake “doctors” like this out there!! Get more details after the jump!!

Wendy L.


Elsa Then, 58, was implicated in the death of Fioraliza Pichardo, 43, who died the day after receiving implants into her thighs and buttocks in 2009. 

Then went to Ms Pichardo’s home in the Bronx and injected her with silicone implants on March 16, 2009. 

Ms Pichardo’s daughter Marinez Rodriguez testified against Then and described the procedure as she was there when it happened. 

‘She was injecting my mother and my mother was in pain,’ Ms Rodriguez said. 

‘She used a piece of Bounty paper with Krazy Glue to seal the injection site, and she actually asked me to help,’ she continued. 

The autopsy revealed that the silicone had gone into her bloodstream since it was loose and not contained and went into her lungs, leading to cardiac arrest. 

Then even attended Ms Pichardo’s wake, and confronted Ms Rodriguez. 

‘Oh, those cigarettes, I knew they were going to kill your mother. I told her to stop,’ Then told Ms Rodriguez. 

When police began investigating Then’s work, she fled to the Dominican Republic and was arrested nearly one year later.

Then’s sister, Maria Hackley, appeared in court as well, defending her with little hard evidence. 

‘My sister did nothing to her. It’s negligence on [Ms Pichardo’s] part,’ Ms Hackley said. 

Then was found guilty and released on $10,000 bail until she receives her full sentence on December 12. She faces up to four years in prison.