Is K-mart exploiting little girls? Apparently the chain has pulled a line of cheeky panties with slogans questionable slogans like “Call Me,” “Email Me” and “I <3 Rich Boys" from its girls clothing section. More details after the jump!! Wendy L.

(HP)–Kmart maintains the underwear was aimed at older women and not “juniors,” even though the panties were stocked as part of the company’s Girl Xpress line, which is obviously aimed at younger girls.

“Due to the fact that it has been brought to our attention that there may be some concerns with the item, we have decided to remove it from our stores,” the spokeswoman said.

She said Girl Xpress was aimed at the “female youth market” but did not define what age that market was.
Following a hashtag campaign on Twitter (#kmartsexploitation), Jezebel says, the store decided to formally pull the undies from the shelves.