A young hypnotist was forced to call for help when he put a group of Canadian schoolgirls into a trance and then couldn’t get them to snap out of it when the performance ended. Click below to read the rest of the story.

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One student at the College du Sacre-Couer all-girls private school in Quebec was reportedly stuck in hypnosis for five hours, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported. The 20-year-old hypnotist, Maxime Nadeau, called his mentor and trainer, Richard Whitbread, to come to the school, where he found several 12- and 13-year-old girls still under Nadeau’s spell.

“There were a couple of students who had their heads lying on the table, and there were [others] who, you could tell, were in trance,” Whitbread told CBC. “The eyes were open and there was nobody home.”

Whitbread said he had to “re-hypnotize” the girls to reverse the effects and bring them out of the trance. He added that the students may have been particularly vulnerable to Nadeau’s instructions because of his “good looks.”

The Canadian Press reported that 13 students experienced headaches or nausea, and five others experienced “more serious trouble.”

Nadeau’s performance was part of an end-of-the-year show earlier this month at the school. Administrators said they learned too late that hypnosis is not recommended for people under the age of 14, and said they had no idea the show would have such effects, according to The Canadian Press.

Nadeau insisted even though the show went awry, he was never worried.