Kevin Garnett

I can see almost any other player doing this, but there is no way in the world that Kevin Garnett is doing this activity! You mean Mr. angry man himself does something that usually calms and brings peace to people?! Damn, if that’s the case – can you imagine if he DIDN’T do it?! Lol. Seriously though, it’s great to see KG doing something about his “energy.”
Check out the video after the jump…


KG on doing Yoga:

“I’d have all this energy, and I couldn’t control it,” he said. “Being in games, I’d get dumb fouls because I was just out of control, so I had a friend suggest yoga to me, and I tried it out. Not only did it help me stay flexible and durable, but it helped me center myself and understand the energy and know how to use it properly.”

“I’m a down dog man, although my instructor likes to make sure that I’m up on all the new poses, including the one where I stand on my head,” he said. “It’s supposed to balance me out. So far, we’re still working on that.”

Watch the video:

Source: GS