
Secretary of State John Kerry, met with Palestinian leaders in efforts to push the release of Palestinian prisoners in order for Middle East Peace talk to continue. Read more after jump

Adriela Batista

During a week long meeting with Palestinian officials and in efforts to come to a “basis” between Isreali and Palestenian issues, John Kerry pushed the Israeli government’s verdict to release prisoners. Hundreds of prisoners will be released from Isreali jails or they will not continue the Peace talk. The Palestenian prisoners are considered prisoner’s of war in their region, yet the Isreali consider them more terrorists. (Issues between the two date back, to the 20th Century) The “heavy weight” prisoners, described by a senior Isreali Minister, stated that the prisoners will be released in hopes that the relations between the two improves. John Kerry has been traveling back and forth for 4-6 months to the Middle East in order to try and get Palestinian officials to continue until the prisoners were freed. Although this set to take place, it has not been enacted yet, many Israeli residents and officials do not agree with the release, they are currently undergoing a process of becoming a Jewish state and they feel the agreement is only beneficial to Palestinians. It is unknown when or even if this demand will go through, yet Palestinians are a dement on not continuing unit this occurs.

Via NYTimes