
A 22 year old military man in Fort Hood, has refused to deploy, on account that “his conscience won’t let him kill” Read more after jump.

Adriela Batista

Private Second Class, Chris Munoz declined his deployment to Afghanistan after having a change of heart after base training. Munozs’ attorney says that Munoz had a change of heart after enduring training and coming to terms that he would be expected to kill civilians in Afghanistan, with out knowing whether they were his enemy or not. What hit him the most was when he realized during weapon training that he may have to fire at a child. Even if the chid was a threat to him, he stated to his lawyer, that he could not come to terms with firing at a child. Munoz filed a conscientious-objector discharge in June in order to escape charges that may include possible court martial charges as well as dishonorable discharge. Although the conscientious-objector discharge is a rare charge that is used amongst military it is recently becoming more popular. What do you guys think of this soldiers decision?

Via NBCNews