George Zimmerman Sandy Hook

America knows its only a matter of time before George Zimmerman does it again! His father in law described George as a keg ready to blow, after the Lake Mary Police Department had to be called to settle an incident at his home earlier this week. Now Steve Bracknell, police chief of the Lake Mary police department, agrees and says that Zimmerman will cause a tragic event similar to the likes of the shooting at Sandy Hook or Aurora, Colorado. To read more, click below.

Scarlet Santana

Santiago Rodriguez, a writer for Think Progress, contacted the Lake Mary Police Chief to criticize the way his officers dealt with the incident and accusations between Shellie and George Zimmerman. In the email, Rodriguez went on to describe George as “a Sandy Hook, Aurora waiting to happen.” Suprisingly, when Chief Bracknell responded he agreed with the reporters statements. So let me get this straight. Your police department gives Zimmerman a slap on the wrists, but you agree that he is a danger to the community. Ok, makes sense.