
Oklahoma Senator Proposes $500 Fine For Sporting Hoodies. Republican Oklahoma state Senator Don Barrington proposed an amendment that will ban people from wearing clothing that conceals their faces in public including hooded sweatshirts. Barrington suggests this new law will decrease crimes such as robbery. He feels that it will increase public safety as a whole. Interestingly enough there are exceptions to this rule. It does not apply to people dressing up for Halloween, masquerade parties or parades.Huh? So the goal is to protect people from crime most of the time I guess.. This is really adding to the tension America is already experiencing because of the recent incidents such as the, Mike Brown and Eric Garner killings. What are your thoughts? Is this racial profiling at its best? or public safety? More details below.

Many people have expressed there concerns about this law; is senator Don Barrington taking away the individuals right to choose? What happens if crime doesn’t decrease? Will he interrupt the American citizens rights to wear other garments? When will the line be drawn? People who commit crimes can do it any garment a suit,a dress,or a tutu. There is an existing law that “prohibits anyone from sporting a “mask, hood, or covering that hides the identity of the wearer during the commission of a crime or for the purpose of coercion, intimidation, or harassment,” according to Senate Bill 13, and Barrington’s proposed amendment would enhance this statute.” This law is really extreme and the law abiding citizens don’t deserve this. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
