pregnant lady

Some disturbing video has surfaced of California police officers pushing and shoving a pregnant woman to the ground.


The NY Daily News reported that situation followed what is being described as a road rage incident. The incident took place in Barstow, California between Charlena Michelle Cooks and an employee of Crestline Elementary School back in January of this year. According to the Daily News, Charlena Cooks had just finished dropping of her daughter when the incident between her and the police officer got really tense because the officer handled and tried to resolve the situation in a aggressive manner:

The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, which took up Cooks’ case and released the video, says California law does not require someone to identify themselves for no reason.

Cooks, in the video, tells the officer that she’d like to call her boyfriend and verify the law about identification. But the officer, after first promising to give her two minutes to find out whether she must give up her name, walks up to Cooks after 20 seconds and grabs her arm as she wriggles and starts to yell.

Do not touch me, do not touch me, I’m pregnant! Cooks begs as she’s pushed against a chain link fence. What the f–k is going on!

A second officer comes over and the officer with the camera on asks, Why are you resisting, ma’am?

He and the other officer then took her to the ground, stomach down, and handcuffed her behind her back.

The Daily added that Cooks was arrested and charged with resisting or obstructing a police officer. A judge had dropped the charges but she has been banned from Crestline Elementary School, also she gave birth to a baby girl with no complications.

There was a similar incident prior to this which you can see here.