
President Obama was featured on NBC’s show Running Wild with Bear Grylls. While trekking through the wilderness of Alaska the president stopped to have salmon for lunch. Doesn’t sound too unusual however, the salmon was fresh from the wild and previously picked apart by an actual bear!

Check out the clip below.

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The president was spending some time in the Alaska not only to test out his mountain man abilities but to survey the impact climate change in the area. He revealed to the camera crew he wasn’t too sure about what would be on the menu while he was out in the wilderness. He said, “I’ve seen some of the stuff Bear eats, and it’s gotta be something that doesn’t still have its legs and eyes on it. I want it not to be too recognizable.”

After he tried the fish he said, “Bear’s a mediocre cook,” adding, “But the fact that we ate something recognizable was encouraging. Now, the fact that this was a leftover fish from a bear? That was unnecessary. He could have just left that out.

Source Today