Officer Justin Bruzgul will get to work with the first pit bull on an East Coast police force. Her name is Kiah, and he says he “couldn’t ask for a better partner.” Kiah graduates from police dog training tomorrow and will start working with Office Bruzgul in Poughkeepsie, NY. Hit the jump to find out why some disagree with this decision.

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Pit bulls have a terrible rap in most neighborhoods. Unfortunately, many people breed these dogs exclusively for illegal dog fights and security during illegal activities. Due to this, many people nationwide fear pit bulls.

Usually German shepherds and Belgian Malinois get police assignments for their intelligence, temperment and size. Beagles, collies, bloodhounds and retrievers also work in police forces.

Pit bulls, though strong and smart, have a fighting dog reputation of unsolicited physical attacks. However, Office Bruzgul disagrees with this pit bull reputation. Regarding Kiah, he had this to say, “She’s high-energy. Affectionate. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.”

Kiah will work as a drug sniffing dog in Poughkeepsie, NY. Her trainer Brad Croft found her in a shelter and immediately knew she would be perfect for police work. Croft is giving Kiah to the Poughkeepsie police at no cost of training.

Source: CTV News