
Thomas Beatie better known as the pregnant man says that he he’s been keeping a secret. The secret is that his ex-wife allegedly had been locking their child in a dirty cage! How crazy is that? Read more after the jump to see what his ex said.

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Phoenix cops visited the home of Beatie’s ex in September and contacted child services after their 5-year-old son told an employee at his school that when he was bad his mother would put him in a dirty cage. This is according to the police report. Cops say Beatie’s ex spouse told them she’d never do anything like that and the couple’s two other kids were able to defend their mother and back her up. The case is know closed due to lack of evidence. In 2012 Thomas Beatie did release home video footage of his former spouse go on a drunken rampage while man handling their children and attacking him. As for Thomas he’ll be sentenced Monday after pleading guilty to one count of disorderly conduct. He was previously charged with stalking his ex with a GPS while they were still married.

Source: Wet Paint