
The world continues to mourn and pay their respects to the victims that were killed during Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, France . Today thousands of Parisians ignored the five day ban on public demonstrations, which was imposed by the French police and ministers. As people gathered to support the victims the mourning ceremony came to an abrupt stop as it ended in panic and anarchy. Read more after the jump.

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During one of many vigils that were held in Paris Sunday evening it ended in panic. The mourners said that they heard gun shots and fled the scene trampling over flowers and knocking over candles. The crowd fled for stairwells and public car parks. They avoided cafes, in fear of what happened Friday, when bars and restaurants were targeted by the gunmen. Some were in tears, having become separated from loved ones during the confusion. Cellphones were pulled out of pockets by shaking hands, initially to try and find one another, then to establish where they had wound up. Many had blindly fled down back alleys and side roads. Paris is a city on edge. #PrayForParis

Source: Daily Mail