Arnold Shwarzenegger blew up an elephant tusk to warn poachers to stop killing elephants- for their tusks. Hit the jump for the video and more.

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The L.A. Zoo donated the ivory Shwarzenegger blew up. Their thought is if they destroy all of the ivory then no one will want it.

However, if there is less ivory then the ivory still in existence will be even rarer. That means unless they destroy all of the ivory, prices will only go up. Rising prices already bring an increasing number of poachers to Africa. Usually private collectors fund their trips to the continent and provide a bonus of up to 15% upon appraisal of pelts.

The Governator warned poachers, “Stop killing 96 elephants every day just because of this ivory.” 96 elephants die daily, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Source: ecouterre