There are a lot of sick and demented people in this world but Rudy Espinoza of Oregon has to be one of the sickest. Espinoza, 25, was arrested in June after Marion County sheriff’s deputies found him scratched and covered in blood. He got into a cat fight, literally! The Oregon man beheaded his his mothers cat because he said it was “evil.” Well the crazy man was sentenced to prison this week. Check out how much time he will be doing after the jump.

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Rudy Espinoza will be doing some time for beheading his mothers cat back in June. On Thursday he was sentenced to four years in the big house for not only cutting a cats head off but for possession of Ecstasy.

He plead guilty to drug and animal abuse charges on Thursday and he will be spending four years in prison for his heinous act. He told police that he killed the cat because it was evil. An evil cat Rudy? Maybe it was the ecstasy that made the cat seem evil nonetheless it was insanely wicked of him to behead a cat. Comment below and tell us what you think.

Source: USA Today