Meek Mill possibly facing jail time is no laughing matter but footage of him boxing sparked social media jokes and concern for his safety should he end up doing time again.
Aside from the release of a great album (in my opinion) and sleeping with one of the baddest women in the game (Nicki Minaj), Meek Mill isn’t having a great year.
His beef with Drake has cost him numerous fans and made him the butt of jokes. Meek is also currently awaiting sentencing for a probation violation. The sentencing will be held in February and until then, the judge ruled that Meek cannot perform anywhere not even in his home state of Philadelphia.
So basically he has a lot of time on his hands. The Philly rapper apparently decided to brush up on his boxing skills but the footage hit the net and the people decided “lack thereof” needed to be added. The fact that Meek reportedly claimed bodybuilding protein shakes led to his failed drug test certainly didn’t help things.
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