With the recent events of mass shootings and terrorist attacks, Obama has expressed how much he believes there should be stricter gun laws. He has scheduled a town hall meeting in D.C. where he will address his attempt to make gun laws tighter in the United States.

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The meeting will be this Thursday at George Mason University. The meeting will also be available for people to watch live at 8 p.m. on CNN. According to the New York Times, this meeting will happen after President Obama meets with Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch to discuss what can be done to reduce the acts of violence that we have seen due to the not so strict laws regarding guns.

Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security advisor, feels as if we can better the U.S.’s situation by making guns harder to purchase.

“It would be better for our security if it was harder for terrorists to purchase very powerful weapons. At a certain point, violence begets more violence.”

Sources: Complex