The KKK has never been a good group. We know that. The group used violence to get a point across about white supremacy. They hurt innocent African- American people by bombing schools, churches , killing black leaders and more. Tommy Benton, a Georgia State representative must have missed out on all the history because he has a totally different perspective on this group.

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Benton claims that the KKK was

“a vigilante thing to keep law and order.”

He said that they,

“made a lot of people straighten up.”

Im not sure what pipe this guy is smoking, but he’s totally missing a lot of history of the KKK. He has recently launched a new bill that will keep the Stone Mountain site, which is in Georgia. The site is where the KKK made its rebirth in 1915. He says destroying the site would be “no better than what ISIS is doing, destroying museums and monuments” in the middle east. Benton has even made it his busies to push state lawmakers to preserve “southern history.”

Benton has even went as far as producing another bill that will recognize the birthdays of General Robert E. Lee’s birthday and Confederate Memorial Day. He wants them to be “public and legal holidays.” This man is clearly off of his rocker.

Source: Complex